Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Gluttony Tour of 2010

Cari is one of my closest friends from the '90's. We lost touch and joined up at the Tic-Toc for tenderloin Tuesday. I commented that this would be part of the gluttony tour of 2010.

Cari: You are NOT putting this on your blog as part of the gluttony tour!
Steve: Why not?

She replied with something like, "Seriously, you are warped."

OK, so Cari is not part of gluttony. She simply joined me on a day where I continued my gluttony. The mushrooms and the full order of fries (against the waitress' advice) were worth it.

In the end I bought lunch because Cari's birthday was a few days ago.

Cari protested, "But your birthday is next week!"

"That's right," I replied, "and you can fly over to the Emirates and buy me lunch next week!"

Seeing casual friends while I'm back has one vibe. Seeing close friends that I've lost contact with has a different vibe. Fortunately, they have all seemed to click. If any theme has developed it would be: Do we become more introverted as we grow older? Ten years ago I lived/loved talking with someone I had lost touch with. Now I often think it will be work; and don't want to do it. Is that experience and/or learning from experience or my low self-esteem?

Regardless, Cari is a fantastic person and I'm very grateful she was able to join me on the gluttony tour. In almost 2 hours for lunch we were never at a loss for conversation. That's the textbook definition of a good friend.

I didn't get anything done around the house that I had hoped, but I'll still call this day a winner.


  1. Okay-first, could you have taken a picture of me with my eyes fully open....I look like I've had one to many at "The Toc"!
    More importantly...thank you so much for lunch, for great conversation and the kind thing you said in your blog. Getting together was great! Can't believe it took 11 years to do it...let's not wait that long again! Have a good flight back! Love ya! Cari

  2. Steve - how can it be that Cari has not aged in, literally, 25 years????

    Cari - you look amazing. Your life must be truly blessed and treating you wonderfully... :)

    Steve - what a good guy you are.. buying her lunch. ;)

