Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A perfect day to be outside and for grilling

The definition of perfect weather? Highs in the mid-70's with dew points (measure of humidity) under 50.

Today was a PERFECT day.

Fortunately, my friend Justin stopped in from Burlington. It gave me an excuse to grill outside... something I haven't done during our miserably muggy summer.

The contraption on the plate is a fresh ground beef burger with American cheese, crispy bacon, sauteed onions (so much better than fresh), lettuce, tomatoes, and ketchup/mustard/Miracle whip to taste... all on lightly toasted buns.

I wasn't going for presentation marks. I was going for taste. These hit a home-run. I wish I could describe the taste but I inhaled the first one. I tried to eat the second one slower but it was gone in seconds. Suffice to say, it tasted good.

In total we ate over 2 pounds of hamburger and a pound of bacon. Thank God we have the healthy veggies to counteract all of that.

My roommate Robby saw what we made and said, "Those look like good BLT's." I said, "No they're not BLT's because I added sauteed onions, beef and American cheese."
To Robby what I described above IS a BLT. To me a BLT is Bacon Lettuce Tomato with a little Miracle Whip. Nothing more and served on lightly toasted bread.

So I'l open this up to discussion: when you think of a BLT is closer my stripped description or Robbies expanded view.

Please, Please, comment. I want to hear from everyone who has ever had a thought about the BLT.


  1. I thought a BLT by definition was JUST bacon, lettuce & tomato (and mayo, but that doesn't count). Sorry Robby.

  2. I agree with you. BLT is ONLY Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato, but I do sometimes add mayo or balsamic vinegar.
    Otherwise, I would call it a BLT burger.

  3. I agree -- a BLT to me is bacon, lettuce, tomato, but I've always added mayo as well.

  4. I agree also, just bacon lettuce and tomato. But more wanted to comment on that cute boy you have holding your food for you.


  5. I think of this as a wierd debate question, with an obvious answer. BLT=Bacon/Lettuce/tomato. Although as Matt pointed out, you may have been serving Bacon/Lettuce/Testosterone.

  6. I appreciate all of the input and I'm sure Justin will appreciate the comment from an old (presumably straight) friend. There's certainly more to joke about here, but the chance of it backfiring is just too great.

  7. BLT = bacon, lettuce and tomato with Miracle Whip, of course. I agree with calling what you served a BLT Burger. Steve, how much of your lost weight have you gained since you have been home? 2 lbs. of hamburger between the 2 of you??? I can hear your arteries clogging as I type. When was the last time you had your cholesterol checked? Might want to do that.

  8. Whoa. Iowa summer food does not clog arteries. Party on Steve.

