Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Facebook safety shield

Tonight I learned a new value to FaceBook. I'll paraphrase from a friend:
"I'm an average looking guy. Women aren't knocking down my door. I had a four month sabbatical(meaning, no sex) since my last relationship but then I started seeing a new woman. It was like blood in the water and the sharks attacked. I had like 12 booty calls in two weeks. Because I actually want to pursue a relationship with my girlfriend I had to change my status on FB and the calls ended."
It's an age old story: When you want a relationship it will never happen. When you start one others suddenly express an interest. Now there's FB! With a simple change in status you are telling the world, "I am taken. Move on."

If I had had my expo markers on me I would have put a large X on his forehead before we left the bar.

Somewhat unrelated is this story that only half of males are getting circumcised in the US anymore. Really? I've been snipped and pretty happy about it. I haven't asked friends what they are doing with their sons.... snip or no snip, I guess I am curious. Less that 50%? Wow.


  1. I saw that study too and we're a little shocked. I don't know of anybody who is not circ'd (apart from the uber crunchy mommas on my online birth boards). It does make me think about what we'll do with #2 though...

  2. I had the unfortunate experience of being in a neonatal nursery during a circumcision in the late 80's. Our society has made circumcision the norm however, back then, this was done without any anesthetic (claiming newborns don't feel or register pain). It was the most blood curdling scream I have ever heard. Unless this has become a painless procedure, maybe the norm should change.

  3. I never wanted to circumsize Brandon, but my mother and his sperm donor ganged up on me and I was on a lot of drugs at the hospital, so he was circumsized. I wanted to let HIM decide if he wanted to be circumsized or not when he was 12 or so much like Bertena got to decide she wanted her ears pierced.
    Now with this baby Frank expressed a very strong opinion that he did NOT want this baby to be circumsized even though he is. There is no way I am not going to circumsize this baby because I do NOT want him to look diffrent than his father and his older brother.

    In my VERY limited sexual experience, I have only found one guy that was not circumsized, and really it wasn't that big of a thing. His mother was a "fruit and granola" hippie-natural type that didn't shave and thus didn't circumsize her son. He said in the locker room there were two other guys and it wasn't that big of a thing and he wasn't teased. He did however say that he did have one high maintance girlfriend who was turned off by it.

    There that is what I know on the subject.

