Thursday, January 27, 2011

No minimum wage + abundant workers equals?

Pay of $176 per month.

Laborers put in 10 hour days, six days per week.  That's at least 250 hours per month which comes out to 70 cents per hour.

These are not the wages in a tragically poor country.  These are wages paid here in the UAE.

It's makes the shiny city of Dubai less glitzy to think of how much of it was built on slave-like labor.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, and you made what at Hamilton?
    Didn't it bother you at all knowing that the students you were teaching every day left and accepted jobs that paid more "out of the gate" than you made?

    Pay is relative. When I was making 25,000 per year at 18 I thought "WOW, I've made it!" When I was making 68K per year at Dex I thought "WOW I am RICH!"

    Now looking back I think, "How in the world did I ever raise two young kids on 25k be in school full time and still be happy and think I was lucky?"
    Life is like that.
