Monday, January 10, 2011

Misery loves company

I deleted yesterday's post about being homesick.  I am homesick.  In fact, I haven't felt this level of homesickness since my first semester.  There are two reasons:

  1. This semester I volunteered to do work with internships that has been an experience worse than dealing with the cheating in my first semester.
  2. While I really enjoy the training I'm doing, it made the internship headaches all the worse.

I have had virtually no contact with colleagues or friends.  I can count on my fingers (on one hand!) the number of social things I've done this semester... so it's not surprising I'm homesick.

Today I was discussing this with a colleague and he said, "I've been here since 2003 and this has been my worst experience at this university."

"THANK YOU!" I exclaimed.  He gave me a bewildered look.  "I thought I was the only one.  Thank you for letting me know this has been hell for you, too!"

So, yes, I am homesick but it's more a feeling of isolation.  It will get better.  If nothing else my grades are due on January 23.  One way or another I'm done in 13 days.

What has me so worked up is easy to understand:  I think internships are great.  I think all colleges should require them.  And I think they should be pass/fail.

How do you determine an "A" internship vs. a "B" internship?  Or lower?  A student this semester was given an internship where she made coffee and made copies.  (In other words, a pretty worthless internship.)  She completed the tasks given her.

How the #$%# am I supposed to give a grade to that? She had a bad assignment but did her duties.  So A for doing duties, but F for not actually doing any college graduate duties?  Yeah, I can't do that.  It's not her fault.

1 comment:

  1. It's very gray here today...cold. It's Jan. in Iowa. There is nothing to do in Iowa in Jan. Right now there is not even any snow to sled or build a snowman....just piles of unmelted snow in parking lots that are dirty and depressing.

    Does that make you feel better? I hope so cuz now I'm depressed!

    Call a friend...if even for an hour go out and do something fun in the warm, sunny weather.

    Love ya!
