Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reverend Kranz

My online ministerial certification came in handy on Saturday: I played the officiant at their wedding.


  1. How many are you up to now, Right Reverend Kranz?

  2. This was number 4. Not to brag, but I really know how to get the cadence down for these things. Some days I think I missed my calling... and then I remember that I'm not religious.

  3. 1. Why would you embarrass yourself by getting an online certificate, and 2. are marriages conducted by a not real officiant actually legal?

  4. 1. Steve could set up a non-profit church if he were so inclined, allowing him fantastic tax breaks, if he were paying taxes. Nothing embarrassing about that.
    2. Yes. In the state of Iowa, as long as you have three other people sign the license and file the paper work, you're good to go. As the lady at the recorder's office told me, "you can be married by anyone you feel is fit to marry you."

  5. The groom appears to be very pleased by your performance!!

    Steely Hoover
