Saturday, August 22, 2009

Healthcare reform: A simple explanation

Here's a great place to have the healtcare reform bill explained on the back of a napkin... well, 50 napkins to be precise.

While I would rather see a public option or the dream of a single payer system, it's not what we're going to get. I believe congress can pass a bill that will:
  • Ban "pre-existing conditions"
  • Help the poor/lower income buy insurance through a sliding scale fee
  • Sets maximums for out of pocket (also on a sliding scale) to prevent medical expense bankruptcies
The sensible center in the Democratic caucus will push for this. The blue dogs and Republicans will have some imaginary excuse(think of lies like "death panels) to oppose it. The liberal wing of the party will oppose it for not going far enough.

The real test of Obama's leadership will be bringing all Senate and House Democrats together to say, "If we don't at least accomplish this many of you will lose your job in 2010. Unless you want 2010 to be a repeat of 1994 you had better vote for this bill."


  1. Steve, let me get this straight. Obama's Health Care Plan will be written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it, passed by a majority of congress members that haven't read it (and will be exempt from it), signed by a president who smokes, funded by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes, overseen by a surgeon general who is obese and financed by a country that is broke. Did I get that right?

  2. So it IS the 2010 election that is causing this to be rushed through!! Inasmuch as Obama can veto a plan he doesn't like, why can't he stick to his guns for a public option and, at the same time, remind Congress that 2010 is racing towards those up for reelection?

    Chuck Todd was on Bill Maher last night. He had a great suggestion, albeit one he felt should have been implemented at the very beginning of all this.

    Obama needs to do an old fashioned fireside chat, complete with charts. Each chart would detail a single problem with the current healthcare, and then Obama would EXPLAIN to everyone how his proposed plan would remedy that problem. While we might be 'charted' to death, at least no one would be able to complain that he didn't explain things so we could understand. Well, of course the Republicans can be counted on to complain.....but I think we need to write them off right away anyway!!

    And, Steve, where did the term 'Blue Dogs' come from and WTF does it mean?
