Monday, August 17, 2009

The countdown panic

At T-minus 6 days and counting I'm facing the conflict of "just what can I accomplish in the next 6 days?"

I wish I had another week, but I suspect if I had had another week I'm sure I'd wish I had one more. I am looking forward to returning to work to have some time to relax. Since I'll return during Ramadan there won't be much accomplished during the first three weeks. My students will drag themselves into the abbreviated classes and try not to pass out.

As I'm petting my dog (instead of a rabbit) I'm having visions Of Mice and Men. Tell me what it will be like to return the Emirates, Lenny... "You'll have a maid, you won't have to pump your own gas or do your own laundry... You'll have lots of free time and you'll live of the fat of the desert."

Now I hope Lenny doesn't shoot me in the back of the head.

1 comment:

  1. Just as I remember the book! Oh... wait.
