Monday, October 31, 2011

OK, Mom, I'm listening...

Mom was always very diligent about taking her medication.  I'm not.  That worried her and, well, mother's are always right.

I knew I hadn't been taking my thyroid medicine lately and that can cause a lot to go wrong in the body.  Today's blood results are not bad, they are "no need to worry about retirement savings" bad!  Cholesterol at 430.  Some other numbers just as off-the-chart bad.  

Today is the last day of the month and I've been good at working out.  I missed 9 days out of 31.  (That's more remarkable considering how low my thyroid level is - I should have trouble getting out of bed in the morning.)  The threat of giving money to Republicans gave me the incentive to work out.  I only ate fast food once. 

Now I just hope the incentive of not dying will be enough to make me take all the new meds I've been prescribed.  Next checkup will be in January.  I have two months to be good:  Workout, eat well, and take my medicine.  If the numbers come down, great!  If not?  I'm buying a 60" TV.  

1 comment:

  1. You know, couch potato logic could cloud the goal here...
