Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Let he is without sin cast the first stone"

If I remember much from my catechism growing up, that's what Jesus said when asked what he'd do with a woman who had been sentenced to being stoned to death for committing adultery.  (What I don't remember ever reading was the punishment for the guy.  Even 2000 years ago it took two to tango.)

I thought about this quote today because it's National Coming Out day and, sadly, there are far too many who call themselves Christian who have no problem declaring gays will go to hell.  A couple of weeks ago a Republican debate audience booed a gay soldier in Iraq.  Booing a soldier.  How patriotic. 

This weekend a pastor at the richly named Values Voter Summit called Romney's Mormon church a cult.  But since beating Obama is the ultimate goal, he'd still vote for Romney.

This segue is to make a prediction I've been wanting to make since late August:  The 2012 Republican ticket will be Romney-Rubio.  There's a reasonably good chance America will get its first Mormon president and Hispanic Vice President.


  1. Hmmmmmm Interesting thought. I don't think Romney can win, but I also don't think ANY of the current Rep candidates(?) can win. I predict Obama will win again. I wonder if Biden is going to stand behind his statement that he won't serve another term and, if so, who the Dem VP candidate will be? Your thoughts? And if Hillary stands behind her retirement statement, who will be Sec of State? Bill Clinton, perhaps? It is going to be interesting. I will stand behind Obama. I REFUSE to support a party that has behaved the way the Reps have behaved since Obama took office. Besides, I could never vote for a Rep presidential candidate no matter who it was.

  2. Watching the Republican debates is becoming a scary spectator sport.
