Monday, October 3, 2011

Question of the day: How much do teachers affect a student's love for a subject?

Tonight I was talking to a student who said, "I hate xxxx class because the teacher is clearly here just for the paycheck."

I often wonder how much a teacher affects a student's attitude towards a subject.  I was bound for political science and/or economics when I came to Coe.  Unfortunately, the political science profs left a lot to be desired.  And I loved my econ classes.  What if the reverse had been true?  Would I have graduated a poli-sci major and not econ?  Wow, how different my life would be.


  1. As a person whose eyes glaze over at the subject of economics, it would be interesting to see if your passion for teaching and love of the subject would get through to me...

  2. I had a TA in Econ my Freshman year at Coe and have vowed to stay away from it ever since.

  3. I must be a bit slow... it took me a minute... A TA at Coe? Signed ML?

    Glad to know you learned all you needed to know in that one semester!
