Monday, June 27, 2011

Still pretty giddy

I got up at 5 to take Ann and Mike to the airport and returned to teach my two classes.  I really like my classes.  Like I discovered two years ago there's something incredibly laid back about teaching summer school here.  Today I covered material and went over the syllabus.  I explained to the guys, "The final will be on Thursday, July 28 instead of the following week.  (The following week is the start of Ramadan.   Giving a final to someone who has had no sleep, water or food is not nice.)  BUT, if I find massive cheating I reserve the right to give a second final."

"But what if we all do really well on the final!?!" came the plaintiff cries.  

I replied, "I have been teaching this course for three years.  I know what scores to expect.  If this class does miraculously better you will get a second final and, trust me, I will make it really hard.  Also, I will have multiple versions of the final and assigned seating."

"Sir, why would you do this?"

"Because I have learned a lot in my time here.  I know how much you all want to help each other.  I know cheating is a game to you and it is my job to keep you from doing it."

It may be only day two but since I've had most of these students before they know I am serious about this.  I'm not a hard grader; I just can't stand the cheaters.


  1. Who's farm is this?

  2. Brad Hertle, isn't it?

  3. Brad's farm taken from atop the corn bin (I think) at our place.
