Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just shoot me now

All things considered, finals week has been going pretty well.  I have a lot of grading to do in the next 48 hours but all the testing is done and there were no major problems.

The accumulated lack of sleep, however, continues to take its toll.  Today I basically accused a friend of stealing from me.  I immediately realized that was crazy and apologized but he is justifiably hurt that I could even say such a thing.  "I am not myself; you know that!" I implored.  I am so not myself.


There is a light at the end of the tunnel.  In 48 - 72 hours I will be done with a week off before summer school.  I will get through this.  I just hope I get through this and still have some people willing to talk to me.

1 comment:

  1. This is really getting to be a BIG problem for you. Cut out the Ambien and try to get to sleep naturally. It may take a long time but you can do it. Love, Mom
