Sunday, August 24, 2008

One week

It does not seem possible that exactly one week ago right now I was sitting on a crowded 747 flying over Baghdad en route to Dubai. Everything that's happened over the past 168 hours seems like a month, not a week.
By the way, we did fly right over Baghdad. On the plane they show a map of the route and the current position. The flight plan was interesting. It seemed we purposefully flew east over Turkey to avoid Syrian air space and then SSW down to Dubai. That track took us right over the Iraqi capital. What was this plane's flight plan in 2003? Did they book in an extra 2 hours to avoid Iraqi airspace?
Here's my question for you to answer in the comments section: Do you pay attention to the airplane you fly on? Ann makes fun of me because I knew the Airbus model I was on from Chicago from to Frankfurt and the Boeing I was on from Frankfurt to Dubai. My response? Don't you want to know what to expect? The new Airbus had a great per seat LCD to watch what I wanted. The old 747 had a community TV. BIG difference. So, back to my original question: Do you pay attention to the airplane you are flying on?


  1. Hell yeah. is a God send when you're travelling - especially on long flights!


  2. Hey, keep your helmet on and don't forget to duck!!

    Do I pay attention to the plane I am on? Well, I pay enough attention to determine the plane is still in the air and not pointed nose down. Does that count?

    I haven't flown for several years and, from the horror stories I have heard and read, I am not sure I miss it. Altho, my son says the direct Allegiant flight from CR to Phoenix/Mesa is pretty slick (and that is the only place I would be flying).

  3. P.S. Peachie and Dottie654 are one in the same person, fyi.

  4. Sooooooo, who is Ann and do she and her husband live there? And is it cheaper to stay in a hotel than rent a place when you include meals, etc.?

    Why were you denied the $14,000 raise? Are they in the habit of giving raises before you do any work?

    How can you be a Coe grad and friends with so many Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, etc., and NOT LIKE INDIAN FOOD????? Isn't that a sacrilege or something? How do you like the Arabic food? I haven't had a lot of it, but what I have had I like. I am no longer crazy about lamb, tho, since it is impossible to find it that doesn't stink to high heaven when you cook it. My mom always said there were 2 kinds ... local and imported (Australia or New Zealand??), and the imported was the best to get. I did used to like leg of lamb and lamb chops when I was a kid, tho.

    I assume you respond to questions through blogs?????

    BTW, I LOATHE these Word Verification things.

  5. Steve:

    Guess I'll try this again, as I thought I successfully posted last night.

    Yes, I hear you broadcasting on the blog and I will bookmark to keep up with you. I ma looking forward to hearing about your interactions with the culture and the people. The ME is a mysterious place to me and even though in my work life I interact with many folks from there, it makes me even more curious of what it would be like to actually be there.

    And yes, I usually do check to see what kind of plane I am on.

  6. Can't say that I've ever checked on the type of plane, but then again, I hate flying and it shows, so...

    I had sweet corn last week and thought of you. Can't imagine you'll be getting that for a while. Or bacon. Had that on a cheeseburger. I feel a certain obligation to eat all the stuff you'll not be able to for a while.
