Monday, August 25, 2008

Great day!

I got keys to my office. That's not the great part. My office looks more like a prison cell with a single window 8 feet off the ground. I hope to move to a better office. I'll save the descriptions until I can provide some pictures. Let's just say that the area where my office is located has been nicknamed "Guantanemo".
The "great day" is getting the textbook for my class and seeing the classrooms. While my office is third world, the classrooms are excellent. The class sizes are reasonable. It's a four day work week. The text for the class is one I've taught from before. And, unlike many of my colleagues, they didn't spring any new classes on me. I get to teach multiple sections of one class: Principles of Management. Having taught the class 30+ times in the past this will be the easiest term in my academic career.

Time for bed. Thanks to the time difference, CNN coverage of the prime time Democratic Convention starts at 5AM.

Yep, I'm that much of a political geek.


  1. Thanks!
    It's been a roller coaster, for sure. Today I got the final schedule that shows I should be done by January 7th. If I get to leave on that day it would mean I would have January 7th through Feb 2 back home. WOW!

  2. I will be sure to come see you when you get back. I am happy to hear that all is well, I was worried about you over there.
