Monday, September 19, 2011


It's not been a great start for the semester.  My class sizes keep growing and growing.  I wish this were a joke:  Every class I was assigned had to be moved because there were not enough seats in the room in which I was originally assigned.

I'm now at 228 students.  That's insane.  My male sections are 47, 47, and 50.  As I've written before, large male sections are, well, a nightmare.

If this were a first, a second, or even a third semester of this I might be OK, but the pattern is set:  I teach more students than anyone else in my college for four semesters running.  In my department I have triple the number of my average colleague.  TRIPLE.

I'm angry because I know I can't be the teacher I want to be with class sizes of 47-50.  But why does that upset me?  My evaluations remain high, I have relative job security and I'm not selling AFLAC.

Sometimes I have to remind myself of the occupation I was facing when I left the US to come here.

So, yeah, it sucks... but living here there are constant reminders of people living on $200/month.  I pay my maid twice the going rate because of liberal guilt...

Regardless, 228 is not fun.

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