Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Today, by the numbers

2 cups of coffee
8 Coke Zero's
9 hours straight of teaching/training

I was gonna go for another Coke Zero but I held back.  Sometimes my restraint impresses me.

Going into to today I thought I would have one group of people for one training session and a different group for another.  Nope.  It was a group of totally new people and they were with me for six hours.  I felt bad for them;  *I* don't want to listen to me for six hours.

Anyhow, it went well.  In fact, training was fun compared to students who returned from spring break looking like zombies.  On Thursday I have an interview for a training position in Abu Dhabi.  I have very mixed feelings about the position.  A year ago I wouldn't have considered it because I love teaching.  For me teaching is like a drug and I get my fix by standing in front of a group of students.

My experience in training over the past six months has made me reconsider.  In training I am working with people with actual work experience.  Teaching a management class to students who have never worked is like teaching physics; I'm teaching something that sounds like theory to them.  Teaching management concepts to those with real-world experience is much more fun.  (This is why I liked teaching at Hamilton - where most students held a job - more than at Coe... Most Coe students never had more than a summer job.)

The good news about going for this interview is that I'm perfectly OK if it all falls through.  From what I know it would be a chance to be part of a new, growing organization.  The chance to develop something new is very exciting!  But if it doesn't work out my gig of teaching and training on the side is a pretty sweet deal.


  1. Sounds like you have the tiger by the tail. Good luck either way.

  2. Also keep in mind the significant amount of time you have off from teaching at the University. Would a non-teaching job be able to equal that? Good luck with the interview, if you decide that is what you want.
