Thursday, July 7, 2011

What creates a mood?

For a week I've been carrying around $2000 trying to find the bank where I could pay off my credit card that I charged my flight back to the US.

Yesterday I couldn't find the money.

I tore my apartment apart.  I have been driving some friends' vehicles (so their tires don't melt into the pavement over the summer) so I searched them thoroughly.  No luck.

I had had some laborers in my apartment in the past few days doing minor repairs.  "Did they find it?" I wondered.  The maid came and cleaned while I was gone... but I saw the money since then, right?

It's safe to say I didn't get much sleep last night.  This morning on my drive to work I remembered where I thought it was - raced back home - and found it.  Also, after spending hours driving around the city looking for the bank I finally found it and paid off the card.

You'd think I'd feel relieved and happy, but I'm not.  Maybe it's because a friend asked a personal question by e-mail and spent a long time writing a reply only to have it disappear for no reason.  Maybe it's because my summer classes got on my nerves this week.  Maybe it's because I feel like I have no friends; which is somewhat true since those I have here have gone.

Or maybe it's because I expected a summer of sleep but even that has eluded me.  Regardless, it is now the weekend and I hope I get into a better mood.

Or maybe it's because I couldn't get this video to post on the blog:  It's worth watching.


  1. You will always be a love to me so don't you forget it. Whenever I get blue, I think of you and wish you were home so when you get blue, just think PORK CHOPS. Mom

  2. And when you come back in Iowa Justin and I can play football with you.


  3. I will bring the homecoming king crown and sash too.
