Monday, July 18, 2011

Ames straw poll

I will be back in Iowa in time for the Ames Straw Poll.  It's a huge deal in Republican politics.  It sent Lamar Alexander and Elizabeth Dole packing.  In the last cycle it eliminated Senator Brownback.  In this cycle it will likely eliminate former Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota.

So, as it draws near I have to decide who to support when I drive the lonely drive to Ames.

With a husband as fabulous as hers, Michelle Bachman is looking like a good choice.


  1. Are you saying you are going to participate in the Republican straw poll?

  2. Oh, most certainly. I did four years ago and I wouldn't miss it this summer. As a political geek it's one of the few events I'll be able to attend.

  3. The daily show did a great bit on how *fabulous* Marcus Bachman was.


  4. I am confused. I KNOW you haven't switched parties!!! Why do you participate in the Republican straw poll? What is the purpose? Do you vote for the worst candidate to take a vote away from a more viable one (if there are any)?
