Thursday, July 21, 2011

From bad to worse

Many people get seasonal depression.  We call it the winter blues.  I seem to get summer depression.  It's not fully logical but, hey, I'm always a little different.

Today my men's class finally pushed me over the edge.  They cheated on a test and then whined about the few questions they missed.  I now have a weekend to contemplate what to do for their final on Monday.  

The class I'm teaching this summer (operations management) is a pretty interesting class.  The class examines things like how McDonalds works the way they do.  Why do you pick a line at the grocery store but take a number at customer service?  

My goal is that students will view the world slightly differently.  Sometimes I succeed.  This summer I failed.

Oh well, I at least I get a paycheck.


  1. I read an article on AOL just within the last week or 10 days about season depression AND how it CAN hit some people in the summer. It said it is quite unusual, but it does happen and there is a belief it can be caused by too much bright sunlight!! I don't know if there is any way to find AOL archives, but I am guessing you could Google Seasonal Depression - Summer, or something like that. Do you take an antidepressant? Maybe you should look into getting on one when you are home this summer.

  2. I have a theory that dates back to my time in Phoenix. There were a lot of folks (me included) who shared similar feelings/emotions in the late July thru August timeframe. I think it is exactly the same phenomenon that Midwesterners experience in January-February. The weather don't go outside any more than you have are cooped up all the time. It's gross! The only difference is that in one case it is because the temperature is a million degrees below zero...the other case it's a million degrees above.

