Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Last night I met up with a former student from Egypt.  In the course of conversation I asked for his thoughts on the uprisings in Egypt and Libya.  I said, "First, it was not a film, it is just a trailer.  Second, the trailer was awful.  If there was no uprising NOBODY would have ever seen it."

He replied that governments have people in every country they can call on to make problems.  I said, "Really?"  He seemed shocked at my naivete. He agreed that the outrage was ridiculous and based on something stupid but...

The protesters were paid squadrons from Obama.  

Wow, if only the Romney campaign could get a hold of that!

He explained that Obama is doing this to generate support before the election.  I said, "I appreciate your giving me your honest view of the situation.  I absolutely, 100%, disagree.  Creating fear of Muslims is just not something that would help Obama.  Those that are scared of Muslims vote Republican."

Tonight I had a conversation with a former student who is now living in Canada.  He is not excited about the prospect of cold temperatures and the requisite clothing:
winter in canada women will be like wearing Hijab - showing nothin
I laughed out loud.  I suspect he will find that there are dance bars and other places where women don't wear anything close to a hijab (head scarf).

1 comment:

  1. Your Egyptian student's remark is troubling, and he's likely more educated than some of his countrymen. Sigh. How to explain.
