Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blogs/links I added and why

First, I deleted the Iowa politics link because (sadly) they stopped updating information months ago.  It is a horrible thing when a blog suddenly goes silent.

Err, wait a minute....

Of the links I added:  Electoral Vote is the most interesting.  I've been following this guy since 2004.  He scours the web for every possible poll for every state.  Nobody has more up-to-date information than him.  This election cycle he has a fascinating link called "This day in 2008."  I find it incredibly hard to believe that Obama is in better shape in the middle of September 2012 than he was in the middle of September 2008.  But then I remember that the Lehman collapse came on September 15 and most people at this point didn't realize Sarah Palin was Sarah Palin.

First Read is for political junkies.  It is primarily written by Chuck Todd who is pretty much the Dean of Washington political pundits.  

I also added the Gallup daily tracking poll.  Gallup's management leans Republican but their data seems to be clean.  It's kind of like Nate Silver who writes the 538 blog (also linked to the right).  Nate is certainly an Obama supporter but his polling analysis is solid enough that nobody questions it.  He calls it as it is and had no problem saying the Republicans would win a landslide in 2010.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm checking out
