Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year's resolutions

I'm not big on New Year's resolutions because the inevitable failure (year after year) is too much to bear.  Nevertheless, I made a promise to improve in 2012:  No more spending money on people for whom I have no chance of having sex.

And since that eliminates the population of the planet I should be saving a lot of money in 2012.


  1. Maybe this will lead to a drastic increase in your prospects...


  2. You're a straight guy (albeit questionable, given the way you signed this) who was offered a free trip to the Emirates in 2011. If I hold to my resolution that's an offer I won't be making this year!

  3. Oh, you paid for my dinner at the indian restaurant last week.

    In the context of your statement above, this invitation gets a new interpretation ... :O

    Gruß Lukas
