Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I'm rich! I'm rich!

Not really... but after not being able to log in to my bank back home for months I was finally able and surprise, surprise! I actually have more money there than I expected.  Like $2000 more.  It means I don't have to send money home this month like I thought.  Or next month.

I should be kicking myself for not doing much of anything during the two week spring break.  After all, I had more money than I thought.  I soo wish DC had worked out.  I wanted to see Gina and her family and take in the museums and monuments.

Instead of kicking myself I am content.  This opens more options.  I will probably still do summer school but if I decide not to I won't spend the summer broke like I did in the summer of 2010.  That summer I spent 3 months back in Iowa trying to live on a tight budget.  It was just not fun.  I'd rather work summer school, come home and have a great time for 3 weeks than to be pinching pennies and be home for 3 months.

With this new found cash in my bank I could possibly have a summer at home and not feel desperately broke.  I'll probably still do summer school because I just don't like that much time off... but it's nice to have options.

Bigger news:  I am officially free of all credit card debt.  I was broke in 2005 and I closed all credit card accounts that had not already been closed for me. (read: I couldn't keep up with payments) The one account I was never delinquent was Bank of America where I've been paying $60/month since.  I had no idea what my balance was but I assumed I would be paying $60/month until 2060.

Starting last fall Dad saw checks in the mail from B of A.  $240 one time... a few months later $180...

It turns out my account has been paid off and now every couple of months they are sending my money back to me.  Yippee!

This is the second time in my life I have paid off $6-10,000 in credit card debt and vowed to never have that debt again.  Let's hope the vow sticks this time.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the debt tackle! You may want to continue to keep an eye on the Iowa weather. The way Spring is going so far, we may be in for a cool summer!
