Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sullivan - "Did Obama just throw the entire election away?"

When I read Andrew Sullivan's meltdown on Sunday it seemed a bit over-the-top and premature.

Yes, the Pew Poll showing Romney up by 4 was bad news, but...

It was just one poll.  Pew is a reliable pollster but even good pollsters can have 1-in-20 bad polls.  I hoped Pew's Romney 49, Obama 45 was exactly that one oddball poll.

Unfortunately, all other polls released in the past two days confirm Pew's results:  Romney is tied or ahead in all national polls.  Swing state polls are also showing dramatic shifts.

Andrew Sullivan's meltdown was - if anything - prescient and very much worth reading.


  1. The wait seems to be getting longer.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
