Today was interesting. I woke up at 4 to read news and watch the big debate. At 9 I had a meeting to go over a training project proposal - basically people from my university would provide training for a major company in the country.
I have not been involved in this for the past six months. I didn't ask to be involved and I wasn't asked to be involved. On Tuesday I was asked if I would look over the materials and come to a meeting on Thursday.
I read through what the company requested. I read through what we had prepared for them. I couldn't connect the dots. So I went to the meeting today to say, "Thanks for asking, but I don't understand our proposal so I should really bow out." I didn't have time to get to the second part of my statement.
In just a few minutes a colleague slammed her computer shut, stormed out of the room and said, "I quit."
"Wow," I said, "I just said I don't understand!"
Seeing the reaction from the rest of the team it was clear that events played out pretty much as they expected. (There are people in the world who are scared to say they don't understand. I never have that fear. I always acknowledge my ignorance, I'm willing to speak up, and I suspect that's why I was invited.)
In the aftermath, I said, "Look, when it comes to training we have a client who has given us outcomes they want achieved. Our training sessions have to map back to those outcomes. This isn't rocket science."
The senior person there said, "The Dean believes we need a point person working with the client on a daily basis... yada, yada, yada... and Steve, he thinks you are right for the position."
There are many ways this can fall apart so I'm not planning a move to Abu Dhabi. (Did I mention the company is 90 miles away? A colleague said, "You wouldn't have to move. They'll have a driver for you every day." Seriously.) Also, there are parts of this that match my talents - client service - and parts of this that don't - the daily grind of task management is not my strength.
Also, HELLO? I am in this gig for teaching. I don't want to give up the classroom.
All of this is very premature. After six months of fighting (which I dutifully kept out of) we now have 2 weeks to create a make-or-break presentation. If we can't deliver then all of this is for nothing.
Given Obama's debate performance this is exactly what I need: A legitimate reason to work and not spend 6 hours/day trolling news sites.
Having re-read this post I think it comes off more "I've come to save the day" than the situation warrants. I'm not going to take the time to re-write. There are logical reasons for me to do the new job that have nothing to do with me vs. anyone else in my college. As an instructor I don't have to publish. And I have training experience. Again, it's not rocket science, but as someone with a thousand insecurities it's nice to know I'm appreciated.