Friday, March 23, 2012

Feeling sorry for myself

I have a former student/friend that I worked hard to get into the trip to Canada.  On the trip a woman jilts him and goes off the scale crazy - so crazy we had to keep him away from the conference and tried to send him home early.

This was the same guy who was supposed to be the tour guide for Ann and me in Egypt.  Long story short Ann and Mohamed went to Egypt.  I did not and I had to eat my ticket (zero refund for the package deal of airplane ticket plus hotel).

I decided to go to Paris to visit a friend.  Under a package deal I booked the flight plus six nights hotel for just under $2000 - a really good deal.  They ran my credit card and I headed off to the local bookstore to buy travel books for Paris.

A few hours later I received a call that said they couldn't confirm the hotel - or any hotel - so they had to cancel.

I wanted to go to Paris because it would be something new.  Since I've been screwed out of Egypt Paris would have been a nice consolation.

I may end up going to Nepal or I might just stay here.

I have never had a friend do to me what Mohamed did to me.  He ruined the trip to Canada for several people, including me.  Egypt was something I was looking forward to for a long time.  I know he had periods of emotional instability in the past and I've had to walk him back from jumping off the crazy cliff a couple of times. While there is a likely underlying mental illness I've reached the point where I just don't care.


  1. Does it help to know I feel sorry for you too? Really sorry this is happening. Thinking of you!

  2. Some people come into our lives as lessons. So, Dont feel sorry. Afterall, its his loss. Big Loss!
    Hope this helps...
