Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Weight loss

At my heaviest I weighed in just over 230 pounds. For most of the past 20 years I've yo-yo'd from 200 - 220. Thanks to the Covid lack of taste I made it all the way down to 170 in 2020. I vowed then to never hit 200 pounds again. 

As I was dealing with gout basically March - June I removed alcohol, red meat, fatty foods, etc. from my diet. (Even removed caffeine, but I don't think that had any effect on weight loss and is a story for a different post.)

The result?

For any non-American friends, this is the equivalent of 71 kg. 

I haven't been in 150's since 1992. Back then I was in grad school and exercising (jogging or swimming) every day at the Fieldhouse at the U of Iowa. This current weight loss is not at all due to exercise. Thanks to the gout I haven't been very active. 

The good news? All signs of gout pain have been gone for a couple of weeks (knock on wood) and I'm taking Cujo for long walks. I am purposefully eating more because I don't want to be in the 150's. 

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