Thursday, July 18, 2024

Passive-aggressive conflict

My mentor and his wife adopted a daughter who became estranged and in and out of alcohol rehabs for many years in adulthood. She had three daughters and was in no state to be able to care for them. The father wanted custody but was not capable either so it went to court and eventually custody was awarded to Grandparents Bill and Donna. 

The girls ranging in age from 3 - 9 were pretty messes up. One (the one this post is about) was a classic fetal alcohol syndrome child. The emotional baggage they carried was tremendously sad. 

Doc came to accept that he was never going to get the Porsche he had always wanted and went out to get a minivan. "I felt my dick shrink as I drove it off the lotc," he quipped.

Unfortunately, after a few 3(?) years of providing the basic levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs Spellman had a heart attack and died a few months later. 

Donna was left with the unenviable task of raising 3 girls whose biological mother constantly tells the girls how evil Donna is... not ideal. As adults the two oldest have cut off contact with Donna. I end this post on a humorous story about the youngest (stay tuned). 

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