Saturday, December 3, 2011

Is it a Diet Coke?

I don't have children because I am too afraid I'd have a moron as an offspring.  Perhaps that's admitting too much about my side of the gene pool or my possible parenting abilities, but I just had to get that out there...

Coke created this really cool can for holidays which they have promptly pulled because people thought it was a Diet Coke can.

Seriously?  If you can't tell the taste difference between Coke and Diet Coke your problems are deeper than the can you are holding.

I really want one of these cans.  Please, if you are one of the four blog readers I have left get me one of these!


  1. I still wouldn't drink it, but this is a very attractive can.

  2. I bought you a pack of these today before even reading your post.

    They are the little cans though (8fl), it's all they had left.


  3. I didn't know they pulled them from the shelves. There are still some left here in Targets but in the grocery stores it's just the little cans.

    I did think they looked like Diet Coke cans though.

  4. I suspect you have far more than 4 regular blog readers, just few comments. We just lurk ;-)

  5. And some of us have trouble posting.
