Friday, June 2, 2023

How do you repay a mentor?

 My mentor, Dr. William Spellman.... when he had his first heart attack the only question I had for his doctor was, "Can I give my heart to save him." I'm not a masochist. My question was not one of vanity for him or me; it was a question I asked because I am economist. The world in 1997 is better if this man lives.

Doc worked hard to teach. (More than I ever have, TBH). When you are incredibly introverted teaching is not easy - as it is for me. Give me a business topic and 5 minutes prep and I can go for as long as you want. It's why I'm on the Hall of Fame wall of my HS. (Extemporaneous speaking attracts nerds... I'm a geek, we are superior.)

We saw each other naked. He saw me shit the bed as I fucked up my early entry into poker - the thing I didn't enjoy but he said, "You have to do this.

As I've said many times, my love for Doc was beyond friendship/beyond family. That, at the age of 27 I'e have given my life for him is a given. 

In a weird way, Doc felt a connection to Dad. I can't say I get it but Life is weird. 

I lost my mentor at the age of 27. Let that sink in. The man I'd have taken a bullet for without a moment's hesitation was taken out of my world at 27. Although Donna gave me permissoin? Doc died knowing I'd give his eulogy. It was Timmy (protoge number 1) or me and I called it first. 

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