Saturday, September 7, 2024

Finding waste in government

Watch one minute from the most recent Overtime of Real Time with Bill Maher:
(It's supposed to start at 7:10. If it doesn't simply forward the video to that timestamp.) 

First, the ridicule of Al Gore's work is unfair. I was a government contract worker when he pushed through his reforms. They most definitely eliminated paperwork (2-3 hours for just me, a lowly wx station supervisor) and definitely streamlined acquisition. Pre-Gore something as simple as requesting a stapler required insane red tape and approved stapler vendor suppliers. Gore could have accomplished more but the big cuts upset congressmen who liked that spending in their districts. 

Ultimately, Gore's initiative cost me my job. Could the FAA justify human observers for a remote airport like Norfolk, Nebraska? Nope. The stations I managed: Dubuque, Sioux City, and Norfolk all closed.  

And that's a good thing.

Lukas, it's unlikely you follow Rich Lowry (the guy singing Elon's praise). Rich fancies himself a principled conservative who spoke and wrote against Trump as the Editor of the National Review - the premier conservative news/opinion outlet.

He remained principled until Trump came into power. Rich not only became a mouthpiece for Trump he purged all never-Trumpers from the National Review. I had been a loyal reader of the magazine since college but stopped when Rich turned it into a propaganda outlet.

I like the idea of the government examining what it spends money on whetehr or not it can be done more efficiently. As I write in the next post,  Former Republican New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg would be a good guy to do it... or... my political crush Pete Buttigieg. 

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