Friday, June 8, 2012

The ethics of selling sugar water

In the past month I've had less Coke than I have for any month since I was 12.  How can I be that precise?  I was 12 when mom relaxed the one-Coke-per-day rule.  Since then I peaked in college having 8-10 per day.  In the past month I've had maybe 10 or 20 Coke Zeros.  It's not that I've fallen out of love for the company I advertise on most of my clothes; its that the years of insane caffeine addiction seem to have caught up with me.  

Today's Washington Post has a story of a former marketing exec from Coke feeling regret for pushing up the rates of obesity.  What I found humorous in the story?  The fact that Coke measured success in terms of "share of stomach."  It wasn't just beating Pepsi; they wanted to be a larger part of America's ever growing stomachs.

I gave up the sugary corn sweetened version of Coke years ago.  Coke defends itself against this guy by pointing out the increase in diet sodas - people like me who switched from regular Coke.  And I'll defend Coke on this:  When I drank 8-10 Cokes per day I weighed 140 pounds or less.  Now that I drink only Coke Zero I weigh... well, a lot more.

1 comment:

  1. There doesn't seem to be a lot of research supporting that diet soda's cause weight gain but I wouldn't rule it out. They may stimulate appetite when your brain realizes it didn't get the sugar it was originally tricked into believing it got.
