Thursday, May 3, 2012

I'm famous!

This is from the front page of the "Youth" section of a national newspaper.  You can read the story here if you understand Arabic.  If you don't just trust me that it says "Steve is a god... he's so amazing it is beyond belief."

Maybe it doesn't quite say that but since I can't read Arabic I'm going to believe it does.


  1. Congratulations on being in a national newspaper, but my attention-deficitness is also distracted by the black clothed figures in the background. And, by the way, you are looking slim and trim, Dr. Steve.

  2. Of course that's what it says! :-) Awesome!

  3. Three words: "Bionic Bus Lady" (only Steve will get this by the way)

  4. P.S. That gal in the back right is hot. Introduce us some day.

  5. I agree with Anonymous.

    But introduce me first.


    p.s. Have you been getting my e-mails?

  6. Congratulations on being the winner of the tie contest :D

    -> You definitly beat the others, with this outfit they would also let you teach in Paris :)
