Saturday, January 1, 2011

The auspicious start of 2011

I'm trying to be optimistic about the new year, but it didn't start so well. Co-workers were supposed to get some information to me by today and well, I have nothing.  I went to get my hair trimmed and got my head shaved.
I was helping a friend (Gwenn) get her water back on while she was out of town and had to chase the maintenance guys around the city.  "Where are you?" I asked.  "At the mosque" was the reply.

At the mosque?  Really?  That's like saying "I am in a bar in Dubuque.  Come find me."*  

And tonight it hit me:  I have a lot of work to get done by Thursday.  A LOT.  I am soo screwed... and a good part of the work is stuff I brought on myself by volunteering.  I will never learn:  Volunteering is for suckers.  

It's probably a good thing I had my head shaved; I'm likely to lose what little hair I have left.

* For the uninitiated, Dubuque has the second most bars per capita of any city in the world - whether true or not, it is a fact believed by all Dubuquers.

After sending a gentle reminder to my colleagues I received this from one of them:

Dead steve,
I am sorry I was off and sick the whole  week. I will send the case study tomorrow latest !
"Dead steve."  I'll assume and hope it's a typo.  


  1. And with the new hair, or lack thereof, you look like on of those people about whom I could one day find myself saying to reporters, "I never knew he was capable of that."

  2. Thanks for making me laugh on a day when I needed a laugh! Except now you'll have to say, "Well, he did mention this possible on his blog..."
