Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The ugly

Nothing is uglier than Iowa's vote on the Supreme Court.  As my friend Jacob wrote on FB, "Iowa judges will no longer seek retention, but re-election.  This became a party issue and is absolutely not good for our judicial system."

All 3 justices up for "retention" were voted out.  Why?  Because they interpreted Iowa's progressive constitution as giving gays the right to marry.  It doesn't mean they were pro-gay marriage.  It means they interpreted the constitution of the State of Iowa.  Never mind that the verdict was unanimous and written by a Branstad (read:  Republican) appointee...

This was absolutely a shocker for me.  I thought Iowans had more common sense than this.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'm rather shocked by this myself. This may be the worst thing to happen to the three branches since....

    ...yeah, this just sucks.
