Thursday, August 29, 2013

The love-hate relationship

This picture summarises the Arab world view of the US:

They may not like the US (or even hate the US) but they want Assad to be afraid.

This was posted by a former student who has argued with me about the evils of the US.  I'm far from nationalistic.  I am well aware of what my country has done wrong in the world but this guy was willing to blame the US for pretty much *everything*.

Yet he posted this picture.  He hates Assad and really hopes the US bombs the shit out of Syria.

He is not alone.

On a drive yesterday I was listening to the BBC interview a spokesperson for the Arab League.  The BBC reporter repeatedly asked if the Arab League would support  bombing in Syria.  The spokesperson kept saying that they hoped there would be a Security Council resolution in the UN.  The reporter repeated, "But Russia and China will veto any resolution."  The Arab League guy would go no further.

In reality, YES, the Arab world wants Syria bombed.  They can't say it.  To do so would inflame those who hate America more than anything but yes, yes, yes,  Qatar, UAE, Saudi, Bahrain and Kuwait want them bombed and bombed yesterday.

This is a love-hate relationship that Bush understood well and played to the ultimate extremes (Iraq war).  I want to believe Obama will be a little more circumspect.

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