Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Prediction of the day

Democrats will overplay Kennedy's death as a rallying cry to pass healthcare reform and Republicans will successfully exploit it. Political geeks will get the reference: Paul Wellstone, redux.


  1. I'm afraid it's already started.

  2. I don't want another Paul Wellstone incident - look what it got us (Norm Coleman!). Although we did get a nice, long, drawn-out election this year in MN as a result...

    Oh great - apparently I'm a political geek since I got the reference...

    It is a shame that they didn't get the whole thing worked out before he died. He was obviously an imperfect man - but healthcare was his passion and he did some good things... He would have liked to see healthcare reform come to fruition.

  3. Yeah - I heard Rush "predicted" this... Which makes it worse.
