Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why 2012 sucked

Since I am major work-avoidance mode I thought I would tick off the reasons why I was happy to have 2012 over.

First, money issues:
  • I worked summer school to make $5000 to pay for a new floor in my house.  Just before I left the Emirates I lost/had stolen $3000 of it.  Later in the year I lost another $1000.
  • Just before going to Nepal I had $1000 worth of dirhams converted to dollars.  I went from the currency place to pick up a friend and then went to my apartment.  At my apartment I found I only had $700.   I screamed, "Oh my god! I lost $300 in twenty minutes!"  It never showed up.
  • I took a $13,000 pay cut.  It was not the fault of me, my boss or my boss' boss.  The U decided all positions like my mine were not eligible for extra pay.  Yay.

Second, friend issues:
  • A close friend went crazy and ruined the trip to Canada for me and many others.  He follows that by immediately after pushing me out of a planned trip to Egypt.
  • Another friend begs for my old iPhone but doesn't have money to buy it.  I give it to him and he sells it three months later.  (This is one example of many times where I feel like a friend took advantage of me.)

Third, professional issues:
  • It's too long and boring to explain but suffice to say that a year ago I had interesting side work to go along with teaching.  In the past year it has pretty much all blown up on me.  My fallback is OK:  I really like teaching so if this is my lot in life that's fine.  But this is one of those years where it is easy to become jaded after one professional setback after another.  
But then again...

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