I have had a fantastic week off (from work, not the blog). Today I was in Abu Dhabi at a mall with an interesting peculiarity:
If you saw a sign for a women's restroom wouldn't you expect the men's room to be nearby? The nearest one in this case is 160 paces. In fact, in this mall all of the opposite sex bathrooms are located far from each other.
This made think of a new catch phrase for the US: "America! Where both men and women can relieve themselves within 20 feet of each other."
Or from my time in Ukraine: "Ukraine! Where many bathrooms have individual stalls used by both men and women."
Or from Nepal: "Nepal! Where a bus stops along the side of the road and people pee and poop on the grass while their busmates try to avert their eyes." (Since the bus always stops at the same place the risk in stepping in someone's previous deposit is very high. I came very, very close...)