Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Assessment of life

In February I planned and bought tickets for a trip to Egypt with my two closest friends in the Emirates.  A month later they froze me out and did the Egypt trip without me. I decided to make a last minute trip back home.  It was good to remind me that I have friends and close family in the US.

Back in the Emirates I have worked hard over the past two months to make my life better.  I realized I couldn't put so much weight in only two friends - it left me too vulnerable.  I started working out.  I've been working out 6 days a week since early March.  I've been religiously taking my meds.  Soon I'll have blood work done to see if the 20 pounds I've lost and being a good pill taker have any effect.

Work has not been going well.  I pretty much fell short on every goal I had for my new job.  My boss is more OK with it than I am.  I'm going to give it one more year mainly because I have to prove I can do better.

Overall, I am in much better shape physically and mentally compared to March.  My next step is to get back to blogging. Given what was going on in my life blogging was hard - I felt screwed over by close friends and nothing at work was going right.  Good times.

I think things are better now but the test will be if I can post every day in June.   Wish me luck and please try to remember to stop back here.  I know you get out of the habit of checking the blog when I don't post...


  1. So glad you are feeling better!!!! So proud of you...that is not easy. I'll keep reading, you keep writing. We MUST get together when you are home!

  2. Good luck, and I've been checking your blog daily even without the updates. Hope to see you again soon!!

  3. Thank you... seriously, I am happy you wrote this. - Steve

  4. Still here, still waiting for you to come home again. Glad to hear you're taking care of yourself. - Denise
