Monday, October 25, 2010

Good day!

I spent the weekend immersed in training materials to pick out what to cover.  On Wednesday I will be leading my first "module" 100% prepared by me.  Preparing for a 4 hour class is not much work.  Preparing a workbook to go along with a 4 hour class is quite a bit of work.

This morning I met with the people who gave me the contract and, 1. My first session from last week received good reviews, and 2. They liked what I had prepared.

I've been signed on for at least the next two "modules" and probably more.  While that means more work it also means more pay.  An extra $1500 - $2000 for the next couple of months will be very nice.  Realistically, this will run through April.  S-w-e-e-t!

Also, I find this stuff interesting.  It is great to have actual working professionals as students.  It's why I liked teaching at Hamilton.  Teaching "management" classes to someone who has never had a job is very different than having students with work experience.

In other words, all is well here.


  1. Have you conquered your sleeping problem yet? Mom

  2. You'd think after being up until 6AM (and then only sleeping until 9AM)I'd have had a good night last night. Also, I had no caffeine yesterday.

    So today I had only one Coke Zero. I'm hoping tonight goes better. Maybe very little caffeine for three days will finally do the trick.
