Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Reaction here

One of my students said, "Obama won.  So now they will shoot him?"

In another class students brought donuts and Coke to celebrate.

I was asked three times today, "Is Obama a muslim?"  It's reasonable that people here don't know the answer.  It's not reasonable that 23% of Texans believe it.

During office hours colleagues stopped by to express relief and congratulations.


  1. Well, the class that brought Coke seems to know you well...

    I have to say I watched Obama's speech and worried the whole time that someone would make an attempt on his life. I didn't see the bullet-proof glass until the end. And I suspect Michelle (and probably Barack) was wearing a bullet-proof vest underneath their clothes.

    From what I have seen, most of the reactions around the world have been positive (with a definite exception of Russia)!

    Having lived in Texas, I'm actually surprised that only 23% believe Obama is a Muslim...

  2. Steve, there is a pretty good percentage of people here in Iowa who think he's a Muslim...I work with a couple of them.

    To which I say, if he were, SO WHAT??
