Friday, September 28, 2012

Iowa polls

Besides reelecting Obama the greatest joy to sane people of Iowa would be the defeat of Steve King.  He's the biggest embarrassment to come out of Iowa in my lifetime.

Unfortunately, he represents solidly Republican western Iowa.

A new poll shows Iowa's former first lady just behind him:
King: 48%
Vilsack: 45%

Iowa Presidential polls completed in the past ten days:

Obama 50, Romney 42 - Obama up by 8  (NBC News/Wall Street Journal)
Obama 44, Romney 47 - Romney up by 3 (Rasmussen)
Obama 51, Romney 44 - Obama up by 7 (ARG - no link available)
Obama 46, Romney 47 - Romney up by 1 (TIR-Voter/Consumer Research)
Obama 51, Romney 44 - Obama up by 7 (Public Policy Poling - PPP)

Bias in polls has been all the rage on the right for the past two weeks.  "The polls are over sampling Demorats so it is not surprising the Demorats are winning."*

Iowa will be the best state to test their hypothesis.  Above we have 3 polls showing an Obama lead outside of the margin of error - 8 points, 7 points, 7 points.  There are 2 two polls showing a 3 point and 1 point lead for Romney.  The first pollster, Rasmussen, has a high "house-effect" for Republicans.  Basically, his polls always skew 3-5 points better for Republicans than all other polls.

The other poll from TIR-Voter/Consumer Research left me scratching my head.  I've never heard of them.  When I clicked on the link of the organization I found it was sponsored by the Iowa Republican with the story written by Craig Robinson.

YES!  The very same Craig Robinson who I quoted in the post below this one saying Ryan would have to get the "stench of Romney" off of him.  Robinson has written a post saying he was quoted accurately.

I believe NBC-ARG-PPP are right about Iowa.  I think Obama has the state pretty safely.

Why?  My party is winning the ground game.  Of early ballots requested 119,000 were by Democrats, 25,000 were by Republicans.

Democrats have nearly a 5-1 advantage on early voting.

And guess what?  Of the 25,000 Republican requests one is mine.  I never changed my affiliation after the Iowa caucuses in January so I am still a registered Republican.

*  Yes, I know how to spell Democrat.  I've spent enough time reading Republican blogs that I can channel them.

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