Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Help me!

I have a new training session in 3 weeks.  I do not want a repeat of what happened to me in the past 48 hours.  (See the next post.)  Please, please, dear friends... Think of workplace issues, dilemmas, problematic co-workers, uncomfortable situations... anything, ANYTHING I can use as a case study in these training situations.  All I need is a rough story.  A germ of an idea.  I can flush it out.  (Or simply flush it if it is a story I can't use in this highly segregated, moralistic society.)

Don't want to write it out?  I'll call you.  Really, I need your help.


  1. Well, you know I've got stories but I'm not sure how getting fondled by my boss is going to fly in that culture.

  2. And the one I had about dealing with a cross-dresser probably wouldn't fly, either...

  3. Nor the one about Michele's co-worker poo-ing in her chair....

  4. Or the one about a guy getting fired for auctioning off a student hair cut.

  5. Or the one about a guy picking up the wrong kid from daycare. Oh, wait, that guy was unemployed by then so he doesn't count.

  6. You know I always have 27 different gross HR issues going on at the same time. How about a guy sending a video of himself masterbating to a co-worker??


  7. Travis - From what I've heard the same has happened here... we need to talk!

  8. I got a picture from a coworker once of himself masturbating to a picture of me. They just don't prep you for this stuff at Coe.

  9. How about a session on how to deal with difficult/problematic co-workers, etc. and/or dealing with difficult/unfair, etc., bosses/supervisors, etc.
