Saturday, October 24, 2009

Color bleeding

Colorfast fabrics are not a given everywhere in the world. Stuff I bought in Nepal, Ukraine and here have all bled. Is there a fix or am I doomed to pink underwear and socks?

Update: Thanks for the advice. I don't care about pink underwear and I'll bleach the hell out of the socks. It's my formerly off-white shorts that I'm not happy about.


  1. Do they still bleed every time you wash? Other than washing them separately I am no help.
    And if your shirts and socks are pink now, bleach maybe?

  2. In summer there is no such thing as "cold" water. So washing anything that will bleed is problem. In this case I washed some rugs. One was red. It turned a beige rug pink. I washed the beige rug with my white clothes at very hot water and now everything is pink.


  3. Unless you can find bleach for your whites, you are now Mr. Pink Panties.

  4. Anything with a bright color should soak in vinegar and as cold water as you can get. It will help lock the color in. I soak anything that has color. Works great.

  5. I think you look good in pink...


  6. I am surprised, maybe even shocked, that you did not just automatically ASSUME colors from third world countries would bleed. Surely you are aware these countries don't have the sophisticated processing procedures we have in the US.

  7. Yet again, Dottie, you don't disappoint... although my Gucci bag carrying, Hummer driving students might be a little offended at being called "third world."

  8. Steve, as I am sure you are clearly aware, I did NOT refer to your STUDENTS as "third world." Your comment said you bought the items in NEPAL. And I do believe that Nepal is considered to be a freaking Third World Country. So, do I get to insinuate YOU are Glen Beck, now?

  9. I'm surprised, maybe even shocked, that you read this blog, given the comments you consistently leave.

    I have no problem being made fun of but your comments are often borderline nasty and/or picking a fight. That pretty much takes the joy out of blogging.

    Since you've already labeled me as being sexist and stupid I will return to my first point: I have absolutely no idea why you read this blog.

    I'm not asking for an explanation; I don't care. I'm simply writing this so you understand why I have ignored many comments in the past. Ignoring was a better policy and I'll return to it.

  10. I am sorry if you see my comments as borderline nasty. They are not intended as such. I guess I falsely assumed that conversation between friends was fair game for differences in opinion. My bad.
